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Shayla & Friends

This is a heart-warming story of a dog's journey from an orphanage where she was loved to a home in America where she found true love again. It is a sweet story and the book's theme and orphanage in Ukraine are dear to my heart.

I have met the author and her beloved Shayla in person while they were promoting this beautiful book and wonderful story. Shayla is meek and quiet, and absolutely gorgeous. The story of how Shayla was a desperate stray to her rescue and new life is awe-inspiring and a must read!

This book is a heartwarming and uplifting story of perseverance, faith and dedication. So many people from across the world join together to save and rescue those in need (orphans and dogs alike) amidst disruption and chaos of a country at war.

Shayla’s Adventure: What’s Across the Ocean?

Chelly Bolger Wathen takes us on an adventure with a child and his dog, reminding us all along the way that even when times are difficult, friendships and kindness will see us through. An enjoyable read!

Great book with heartwarming story. It is a must read for anyone who appreciates the beauty of the human-canine bond and the simple joys of childhood. My kids love this story!

This book is a delightful read to share with children. In addition to learning about Shayla, they will learn from her story about kindness and life consequences which sometimes includes ice cream. I gave this book to each of my great-nephews, and they really liked the story. Be sure to have some ice cream on hand for this read!

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